@RSA_IPID arrested six (6) Constables from the Ekurhuleni Metro Police Department(EMPD) at their offices in Kempton Park for allegations of robbery and defeating the ends of justice.
The 6 arrested officers are linked to the EMPD Drug Unit.
It is alleged that on 5 March 2024, the accused officers aged between 31 and 39 years old stopped the victim, a Congolese National, for an alleged traffic offence.
They requested his identification documents to confirm if he was legal in the country of which he did. Thereafter they went to verify his credentials at Home Affairs Boksburg.
After the verification process, they drove with him to his house in one of the estates in Boksburg where they searched the house without a search warrant and confiscated an amount of money found in the premises.
They will appear in court soon and are detained at the Boksburg SAPS.