After the storm: Coping with depression



Dealing with depression is challenging due to its draining nature, which can make it difficult to take the necessary steps to feel better. The Catch-22 of depression recovery is that the most helpful actions are often the most difficult to do. However, there is more control than you realise, even if your depression is severe and persistent. To overcome depression, start small and build from there. For example, going for a walk or dancing to your favourite music can boost your mood and energy for several hours, allowing you to take a second recovery step, such as preparing a mood-boosting meal or meeting an old friend.

Taking small but positive steps day by day can lift the heavy fog of depression and help you feel happier, healthier, and more hopeful again. Reaching out and staying connected is essential in overcoming depression. On your own, it can be challenging to maintain a healthy perspective and sustain the effort required to beat depression. However, the nature of depression makes it difficult to reach out for help. When you're depressed, the tendency is to withdraw and isolate, making connecting to close family members and friends difficult.



To reach out for depression support, look for people who make you feel safe and cared for. They don't have to fix you; they must be good listeners. Make face-time a priority, as phone calls, social media, and texting don't replace good old-fashioned in-person quality time. Talking to someone face-to-face about how you feel can play a significant role in relieving depression and keeping it away.

Try to keep up with social activities even if you dislike them. Being around other people will make you feel less depressed. Find ways to support others, big and small, by volunteering, listening to a friend, or doing something nice for someone.

Caring for a pet can bring joy and companionship, helping you feel less isolated. Caring for a pet can also get you outside of yourself and give you a sense of being needed, both powerful antidotes to depression.

Joining a support group for depression can help reduce your sense of isolation. You can encourage each other, give and receive advice on how to cope and share your experiences. Some online therapy platforms offer virtual support groups if attending an in-person support group feels too complicated.


To overcome depression, it is essential to connect with others, manage stress, and create a healthy lifestyle. Connecting with friends, volunteering, having lunch or coffee, asking loved ones to check in with you regularly, attending movies, concerts, or small get-togethers, and meeting new people can help alleviate depression.

To make you feel good, follow a healthy lifestyle, learn to manage stress better, set limits on what you can do, and schedule fun activities in your day. Do things you enjoy or are used to, such as picking up a former hobby or sport, expressing yourself creatively through music, art, or writing, going out with friends, or taking a day trip to a museum, mountains, or the ballpark.

Manage stress by identifying everything in your life that stresses you out, finding ways to relieve the pressure and regain control. Create a balanced schedule, practise relaxation techniques like yoga, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or meditation, and practise gratitude.

Develop a "wellness toolbox" to deal with depression by creating a list of things to do for a quick mood boost. Examples include spending time in nature, listing what you like about yourself, reading a good book, watching a funny movie or TV show, taking a long hot bath, meditation, playing with a pet, talking to friends or family face-to-face, listening to music, and doing something spontaneous and fun.

Exercise is a powerful depression fighter and one of the most essential tools in your recovery arsenal. Research shows that regular exercise can be as effective as medication for relieving depression symptoms and helps prevent relapse once you're well. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise daily, starting small and starting small.

Find continuous and rhythmic exercises, such as walking, weight training, swimming, martial arts, or dancing, where you move both your arms and legs. Add a mindfulness element, primarily if your depression is rooted in unresolved trauma or fed by obsessive, negative thoughts. Pair up with an exercise partner, such as joining a running club, taking a water aerobics or dance class, seeking out tennis partners, or enrolling in a soccer or volleyball league.

Take a dog for a walk, or volunteer to walk homeless dogs for an animal shelter or rescue group, as it helps you and makes them more adoptable.

To get a daily dose of sunlight, get outside during daylight hours and expose yourself to the sun for at least 15 minutes daily. Remove sunglasses (but never stare directly at the sun) and use sunscreen as needed.

Take a walk on your lunch break, have coffee outside, enjoy an al fresco meal, or spend time gardening. Double up on the benefits of sunlight by exercising outside, such as hiking, walking in a local park, or playing golf or tennis with a friend. Increase the natural light in your home and workplace by opening blinds and drapes and sitting near windows. If you live somewhere with little winter sunshine, try using a light therapy box.


Winter blues can lead to seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a form of depression where individuals feel hopeless, sad, tense, or stressed. To maintain mood stability throughout the year, it is essential to challenge negative thinking. This includes all-or-nothing thinking, overgeneralisation, mental filtering, diminishing the positive, jumping to conclusions, emotional reasoning, 'shoulds' and should-nots', and labelling.

Negative, unrealistic ways of thinking that fuel depression includes all-or-nothing thinking, overgeneralisation, mental filtering, emotional reasoning, 'shoulds' and should-nots,' and labelling. These negative thoughts are unrealistic and can be challenging to break free from. Instead, it is crucial to identify the type of negative thoughts that are fueling your depression and replace them with a more balanced way of thinking.

To challenge negative thinking, keep a "negative thought log" and write down every negative thought you experience, along with what triggered the negative thought. Once you identify the destructive thought patterns contributing to your depression, you can start to challenge them. For example, if your significant other was short with you, you may have automatically assumed the relationship was in trouble. However, a more realistic view might be that your partner was having a bad day.

Examine the evidence that your thoughts are confirmed by asking yourself if there is any evidence that your thoughts or beliefs are not valid. For example, if you think, "I'll be stuck in this dead-end job forever," consider if there are facts you're ignoring, such as the potential for sending out a resume and interviewing for another job.

Think outside yourself and ask yourself if you would tell someone else what you're thinking about yourself. If not, stop being so hard on yourself and think about less harsh statements that offer more realistic descriptions. Instead of labelling yourself a failure or a loser when something doesn't go as planned, look at things in a more realistic light: you made a mistake, but you can learn from it.

Allow yourself to be less than perfect, as many depressed people are perfectionists. Battle this source of self-imposed stress by challenging your negative ways of thinking. We all have bad days, and life is often unexpectedly messy. Ask yourself, "How might I look at this situation if I didn't have depression?"

Socialise with positive people, observe how they deal with challenges, even minor ones, and adopt their optimism and persistence in the face of difficulty. As you cross-examine your negative thoughts, you may be surprised at how quickly they crumble, developing a more balanced perspective and helping to relieve your depression.


To support your health, eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables and reduce your food intake, which can adversely affect your mood. Avoid skipping meals and eat something at least every three to four hours—Minimise sugar and refined carbs, which can crash your mood and energy.

Boost your B vitamins by taking a B-complex vitamin supplement or eating more citrus fruit, leafy greens, beans, chicken, and eggs. Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, tuna, and cold-water fish oil supplements.

Improve your sleep by aiming for 7-9 hours each night. Depression typically involves sleep problems, so learn healthy sleep habits, such as going to sleep and getting up at the same time every day, avoiding bright screens within two hours of bedtime, developing a relaxing bedtime routine, and keeping your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet.

Find healthy ways to get back to sleep, such as keeping lights low, doing quiet, non-stimulating activities, reading a book, or practising sleep meditation using guided imagery. If you still find your depression worsening after making self-help steps and positive lifestyle changes, seek professional help.

Remember that self-help tips can be part of your treatment plan, speeding recovery and preventing depression from returning.





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