Nineteen-year-old Luvo Gqaza, who was caught on camera assaulting his grandmother, is expected to apply for bail. The incident, which has gone viral on social media, involved Gqaza shouting at his grandmother and then assaulting her, causing her to lose balance and a pot of porridge falling to the ground. The South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) has condemned the attack and other violent attacks against the elderly, stating that older persons face various challenges as a vulnerable group with unique and differing needs. The commission also emphasized the importance of the Older Persons Amendment Bill, which seeks to safeguard the rights and welfare of older persons comprehensively. The Commission for Gender Equality will monitor the matter and initiate an investigation into the abuse of elderly persons across the country. The spokesperson for the SAHRC, Javu Baloyi, applauded the swift action of police and called for an investigation into allegations of systemic failures and defeating the ends of justice to create an environment that respects and promotes the rights of elderly persons.