SADAG WhatsApp Helpline Aimed At Youth Substance Abuse (Ke Moja)


International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is celebrated on June 26th as Substance Abuse Awareness Day. The South African Anxiety and Depression Group (SADAG) in partnership with The National Department of Social Development has launched South Africa's first WhatsApp chat platform, Ke Moja WhatsApp Chat Platform, to combat substance abuse among adolescents and young adults. The group aims to promote the platform as an accessible resource for younger people, with an increase in youths contacting their helplines between April 2021 and March 2022.

The platform offers basic counselling, self-help tips, and tools for dealing with substance use, as well as referrals to resources and information for all age groups across the country. Research indicates that not all young people are equally vulnerable to substance abuse, but the combination of risk factors coupled with a lack of protection against substance abuse determines how susceptible youths are to experiment and ultimately becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol.

Peer pressure is one of the major contributing factors to youth substance abuse, as adolescents are either forced, persuaded, or pressured to try drugs or alcohol by their peers. Other risk factors include mental health illness such as anxiety or depression, isolation, lack of parental involvement, dysfunctional social relationships, and poverty. Substance abuse amongst learners is usually associated with crime, violence, deviant behavior, bullying, and can lead to various mental health disorders.

The most commonly used drugs by adolescents include cannabis, crystal methamphetamine, ecstasy, codeine, nyaope, flakka, cocaine, and Mandrax. Signs of addiction include loss of interest in day-to-day activities, absence from school/dropping out, changing crowds, moodiness, difficulty concentrating, lack of energy, aggressive behavior, committing crime to feed the habit, red or puffy eyes, unexplainable weight gain or loss, and frequent runny noses.

Despite the many reasons for adolescents using substances, it is important to note that the serious long-term consequences can be prevented through early intervention. The Ke Moja WhatsApp Chat Platform is available seven days a week, from 8am to 5pm, and alternative contact resources include the National Department of Social Development 24 hour Substance Abuse Helpline – 0800 12 13 14 and SMS 32312.

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