Hollywood star, Will Smith, surprises Guinea student who biked across Africa

(Photo by Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images)

Hollywood star Will Smith has made a surprise call to Guinean man Mamadou Safayou Barry, who cycled across Africa to get to university. Barry, who travelled 4,000km last year, was awarded a new bike and a laptop by Smith. Smith expressed his deep gratitude and wanted the world to hear his story. Barry, who was shocked to be talking to Smith, expressed his love for his films.

Smith's publicity team contacted the BBC in September after the BBC published a story about Barry's odyssey. Barry, a married father of one, set off from Guinea for Egypt's prestigious Al-Azhar University in May. He cycled through Mali, Burkina Faso, Togo, Benin, Niger, and Chad, navigating through regions where jihadist fighters often stage attacks and military coups. He was arrested and detained three times for no good reason.

However, Barry's luck turned when he reached Chad. A journalist interviewed Barry and posted his story online, prompting some good Samaritans to fund a flight to Egypt. Barry was offered a university place, initially for Islamic studies, then onto engineering, and a full scholarship. Smith said that "when you commit to a journey, the universe conspires to help you." Smith has also donated vouchers for Barry to buy flights back to Guinea or visit his family.

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