No Ride, No Party! EFF Kicks Out 439 Reps from Hyped Anniversary Event!


No Ride, No Party! EFF Kicks Out 439 Reps from Hyped Anniversary Event!
EFF leader Julius Malema. (Photo by Gallo Images/Sharon Seretlo)

In a recent development, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party has taken a strict stance against its own public representatives for their failure to fulfill a crucial responsibility. On July 26, 2023, the EFF announced that it has banned 439 of its public representatives, including 4 Members of Parliament, from attending the party's highly anticipated 10th Anniversary Rally, scheduled to be held at the FNB Stadium.

The contentious issue revolves around the representatives' inability to organize transportation for their respective constituencies to attend the milestone event, which is set to take place on July 29, 2023. The party had issued a directive during its Plenum and First Central Command Team Meeting earlier in the year, on January 31, 2023, instructing all Public Representatives, from Councillors to Members of Provincial Legislatures and Members of Parliament, to arrange transportation for their constituents to join the celebratory occasion.

Initially, the deadline for submission of organized transportation was May 31, 2023. However, taking into consideration the logistics involved, the EFF granted a one-month extension, pushing the deadline to June 30, 2023. This allowed the representatives a total of six months to fulfill their obligation of providing means of transportation for their constituents to be part of the historic event.

Despite the extension, a substantial number of public representatives failed to comply with the organizational directive. Their negligence and lack of action led to their constituencies being unable to attend the EFF's 10th Anniversary Rally. In response to this failure, the EFF leadership announced the names of all representatives who did not secure any form of transportation for their constituents.

The banned representatives will not be allowed to participate in the much-anticipated rally, and the party has also hinted at exploring further consequences for those who may have procured some transportation but failed to meet the requisite target. This firm stance taken by the EFF highlights the party's commitment to accountability and responsibility among its public representatives.

During a press conference held on July 7, 2023, at Uncle Toms Hall in Soweto, the EFF leadership emphasized its determination to hold all public representatives accountable, regardless of their rank or position within the organization. Transparency and adherence to organizational directives were emphasized as fundamental values in the EFF's pursuit of economic freedom and social justice for all South Africans.

As the EFF's 10th Anniversary Rally approaches, this incident serves as a stark reminder of the party's unwavering commitment to represent the interests of the people and ensure that its public representatives remain true to their responsibilities. The EFF's actions demonstrate that it will not tolerate any lapses in accountability when it comes to fulfilling the promises made to the South African peopl

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