R350 SRD Grant Slowly nearing its end, Minister Warns


The Minister of Social Development, Lindiwe Zulu, has warned young people to use their R350 Social Relief of Distress Grant (SRD) wisely by starting their businesses. Zulu, a former minister of small, micro and medium enterprises, urged young people to build their businesses and not rely on grants. She emphasised that the future of the R350 grant is uncertain, as the government is only obligated to ensure sustainable grants for older people, people living with disabilities, and children. The R350 SRD grant depends on the availability of government coffers, making it difficult to maintain and sustain. Zulu praised young people who had started their businesses using the grant and called on SEFA and SEDA to support them once they started their businesses.

Lulwazi Lwethu founder Lulu Nongogo aimed to provide information on starting businesses to young people, addressing areas such as registration, tax clearance, marketing, and social media platforms. Onke Stuurnman, who ran a plumbing company but struggled to get tenders, expressed his intention to apply for tenders from the government after receiving the information. The session was powerful and highlighted the importance of compliance in the economy.


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