President Ramaphosa Suspends Judges Maumela and Mngqibisa-Thusi Over Delayed Judgements

In a recent development, President Cyril Ramaphosa has taken the decision to suspend Judges Tshifhiwa Maumela and Nomonde Mngqibisa-Thusi, as announced by the Judicial Service Commission (JSC). The suspension follows the recommendation made by the JSC in April, which called for the suspension of the presiding officers pending the outcome of separate tribunal investigations into delays in their judgements.

The complaints regarding delayed judgements against Judges Maumela and Mngqibisa-Thusi were initially filed by Judge President Dunstan Mlambo in 2020. The investigation revealed that Judge Maumela took over six months to return judgements, while Judge Mngqibisa-Thusi took more than two years to deliver rulings that should have been completed within three months, as per the Norms and Standards of Judicial Officers.

President Ramaphosa's decision to suspend the two judges underscores the importance of maintaining efficiency and accountability within the judiciary. Delayed judgements can hinder the timely resolution of cases, impacting the administration of justice and the public's trust in the legal system.

The suspensions are expected to remain in effect until the respective tribunal investigations are concluded, and the findings are presented to the JSC. The tribunals will thoroughly examine the circumstances surrounding the delayed judgements and assess whether any misconduct or negligence occurred.

The JSC, along with other relevant authorities, is committed to upholding the integrity and professionalism of the judiciary. Actions such as these suspensions demonstrate the judiciary's dedication to ensuring that judges fulfill their responsibilities with diligence, adhering to the established timeframes for delivering judgements.

The legal community and the public at large eagerly await the outcome of the tribunal investigations, which will determine the appropriate course of action based on the findings. Meanwhile, efforts to address delays and improve the efficiency of the judiciary will continue to be a priority, ensuring that justice is administered in a fair and timely manner.

Source: The Legal SA

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