UK arranges additional evacuation flights from Port Sudan on Monday 




The UK plans to operate additional evacuation flights for British citizens still trapped in Sudan on Monday.

However, eligible persons must travel to the coastal city of Port Sudan, 500 miles from the capital city of Khartoum, where previous flights departed.

The UK currently has 2,122 British passport holders and NHS staff with UK work permits flown on her 23 flights.

Airstrikes and fighting were reported over the weekend, despite a truce between rival military factions.

Tens of thousands of people have fled the country since fighting hit the country more than two weeks ago. Khartoum, the capital, is the scene of some of the fiercest fighting, as the Sudanese army and a powerful militia, the Rapid Relief Force, vie for control of the country.

The Sudanese army announced on Saturday that it would launch a new major offensive against his RSF positions in Khartoum.

The final ceasefire, which did not last long, was due to end at midnight on Sunday. But he said the RSF had extended the ceasefire for another three days.

British security services have been scouting Port Sudan as an alternative haven since the beginning of the week and have established a limited diplomatic presence there. Anyone wishing to board the additional flight must be at Port Sudan International Airport by 12:00 PM Sudanese Time (11:00 AM BST) on Monday.

Secretary of Defense Ben Wallace said:

“We are grateful to our military for ensuring that there is an alternative to Wadi Saidna and currently supporting FCDO and Border Patrol personnel to expedite the rescue effort.”

The Royal Navy frigate HMS Lancaster and Royal Air Force personnel are based in Port Sudan, Wallace added.

Foreign Secretary Andrew Mitchell warned on Saturday that Britain "cannot stay (in Sudan) forever" as the security situation continues to deteriorate.

Britain was initially criticized for initiating evacuations to other countries, including European countries, rescuing hundreds before the first British airlift took place. In another operation a few days ago, special forces evacuated British diplomats from Khartoum after fighting broke out around the embassy.

But a Foreign Office spokesman said Britain's evacuation of Sudan had become "the largest of any Western country". 

This article is originally published by BBC

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