Unisa rejects utterances made by Mandisa Mashego


The University of South Africa (Unisa) has recently reported that it takes note of the interview conducted by Penuel, "The Black Pen," with Mandisa Mashego. Mashego made claims about the University, which it refuted.

Mashego stated that the university was being investigated for bogus degrees, persons who sit and write examinations for others or even complete the entire program for them, and for offering classes outside of their distance learning mandate. She also compared Unisa to certain allegedly fraudulent "Nigerian institutions" (though they are accredited).

In their defence, the institution attested that Mashego’s claims are “unfounded and unsupported,”  Unisa is currently not under investigation for fake degrees, for individuals who write curriculum for others, for conducting classes, for corruption, and for "Lot of things."

The institution is requesting Mashego to withdraw her claims to avoid legal action.



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