Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrica


It’s the title of our national anthem in South Africa and if you don’t know what it means, it means God bless Africa. Interesting title. Many people continue to joke how our country has gone to the dogs and how we need some sort of religious intervention.
I am aware that there are many people who will argue this point, however we need to consider whether the lack of religious studies could possibly play a role in the rapid decline of our society. Now I am also rather weary of calling them religious studies considering that religion is another beast on its own. However for the purpose of this article we will refer to it as such.
I find it rather interesting how there is a lack of moral compass in our society and whether you’re reading about in a newspaper article or you’re experiencing it in the job market or on the roads, you will notice how some members of society have let go of their moral obligation to treat each other well. When I was younger I struggled to make the connection between the two, that religious studies formed some sort of moral compass within a person. However the older I get and the more I venture into reading the Bible, the more I see just how in many books there are writings about how to treat each other.
While I do respect the right of people to choose their religion, it goes without saying that should you read the book of Proverbs you will see how King Solomon’s words are the basis of common sense and treating others well. The book covers a multitude of issues including how to govern, how employers should treat their employees and how society as a whole should treat each other.
Should you continue to read the Bible you will see how nothing that is happening in our country is new. Many leaders have misled their people, people have gone astray, generations of people have suffered and struggled as a result of turning away from God. This then begs the question that if our country did have a strong religious base from which decisions were made, would we be saying something different?
I also understand that many people have their own issues with the Bible considering the history of slavery and how it was used to further ideals of the oppressors. I also know how many black people in our country speak of Christianity as a white man’s religion and how it was used to enslave people in the past. Now while that opinion may make sense, the problem comes when one decides to seek the truth where the Bible is concerned. This doesn’t mean what some preachers may or may not preach, but rather what the book actually says.
You may be surprised to find scripture that speaks of many issues we face in our lives. These issues include idolatry, illness, leadership and issues of racism being addressed. There is scripture in the Bible that specifies how Christianity isn’t for a select few but for everyone regardless of race or creed.
Yes, there are challenges experienced when learning the Bible as many people rely on preachers and some of them don’t preach the truth, however should you be fortunate enough to seek and find an authentic and truthful teacher, then you will be able to debunk a lot of the politics that surround Christianity and also allow your heart to be changed and in turn making you a better person.
It’s because of this that I often wonder if the absence of these teachings in schools and general society is one of the main reasons why our beautiful country continues to deteriorate to levels we never thought we’d witness?
Inspired thinking

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